Remote Incentives for Teachers

Staff Housing and Utilities

Teachers relocated into communities are provided with suitable accommodation at the cost of the school. Staff accommodation comes furnished and is of a good standard. The school pays for water and subsidises electricity costs.

Relocation Costs

Relocation costs are subsidised for you and your family/dependents, including airfares, personal effects and freight of a single vehicle, to a reasonable set limit allocated by the Catholic Education Office. 

Flights Out of Isolated Locations (FOILs)

Flights and accommodation, for a maximum of three nights, are provided by schools to teachers and their dependents. Teachers at our school receive four return flights to Darwin per year, with an accommodation allowance, after having worked 10 weeks at the school.

Freight Costs Reimbursed

Teachers can receive reimbursement for the freight paid on foodstuffs by barge to Wadeye, to a reasonable capped monthly rate.

Professional Development

Teachers may be eligible to attend Professional Learning workshops related to literacy, numeracy, ICT or other identified areas of the SIRF subject to approval by the Principal. In addition, Teaching and Learning consultants from the CEO provide school-based mentoring and professional learning.

Study Leave after Four Years 

Teachers working in remote communities accumulate points for each year of service in a remote locality. Wadeye is classified as Category 3 and attracts 5 study leave points per annum.

Teachers accumulating 20 credit points will be entitled to special study leave on full pay for one semester; 40 points will entitle the employee to 2 semesters' special study leave on full pay. There is no pro-rata on points. These periods of special study leave must be utilised by the teacher to undertake full-time formal study at a university to upgrade knowledge and skills, to participate in a professional development or experience program in the industry, another education system or another public sector employer in the Northern Territory. Tuition fee reimbursement is available for only one semester of study leave and will be paid on successful completion of the units of study. All other course fees after this period are at the teacher’s expense. Please check current entitlements through the Catholic Education Office.

Study Incentive Program

The Catholic Education Office has established the Study Incentive Program to encourage all teaching and non-teaching staff including staff leaders to develop higher-level professional skills and knowledge in areas that address the needs and priorities of Catholic schools and that also enhance staff performance and job satisfaction. All staff in Territory Catholic schools who have been employed on an ongoing basis for at least one year, and who will continue to be employed for the duration of the following school year are eligible to apply. SIP offers a 50% to 80% refund of tuition fees (excluding any student administration charges) for one academic unit per trimester. Further information in the Aboriginal Catholic Community Schools Handbook.

Aboriginal Catholic Community Schools Handbook